Insightful Conversations

Welcome to Insightful Conversations where people-centered leaders connect. We are on a mission to create authentic connection for the future of people-centered work. 

We host small, quarterly, one-hour roundtables with a variety of people-centered leaders to discuss, collaborate, and support each other on current topics impacting the future of people-centered work. 

Where People Centered Leaders Connect

What’s included?

Shared Learning Environment

This is a shared learning environment. Everyone has something to share or ask that will add value to the group. One person moderates each discussion, but we all contribute to set the agenda, discuss, and select current topics impacting the future of people-centered work

Quarterly Virtual Roundtables

We host small, quarterly, one-hour roundtables with a variety of people-centered leaders to discuss, collaborate, and support eachother. We will send calendar appointments to upcoming events and ask that you RSVP to save your spot. 

Membership Directory

To stay connected and network outside of quarterly meetings, we share a membership directory of bios of our people-centered leaders who you can connect with as interested.

Past Topics

As a group, we share topics we are interested in discussing openly with people-centered leaders to learn from each other’s experiences, questions, and learnings. We build the agenda collaboratively sharing the questions we want to discuss on each topic.

  • Questions discussed:

    • What does it mean to be a successful leader at your company?

    • What would you like to offer in terms of leadership development? Blockers, questions, support from the group?

    • What is a toxic leader? How do you manage toxic leaders? 

  • Questions Discussed:

    How do you increase diversity? Sub-topics:

    • How do you increase diversity in a historically homogeneous industry?

    • How do you increase diversity among external relationships and vendors?

    What type of DEIB programming do you have, have you had or would you like to have? Sub-topics:

    • What are you doing to foster a true sense of belonging?

    • How do you ensure those in underrepresented groups' voices are being heard?

    • How are you using AI today?

    • What do you see as the risks of using AI?

    • Given how disconnected so many are especially with hybrid or remote work; how can we best utilize AI to foster inclusivity and belonging?

    • How are you training your teams to use AI or not use AI?

    • How are your HR vendors using AI or talking about it? (ATS, HRIS, etc)


Netiquette stands for network etiquette. In other words, it is the code of behavior when communicating virtually. Some general netiquette guidelines are:

  • Participate: This is a shared learning environment. Everyone has something to share or ask that will add value to the group. 

  • Share the Mic:  We want to create space for everyone to participate. Be thoughtful and concise in sharing so everyone can join the discussion.

  • Be Open to Debate: Debate is welcome and can stimulate great discussion and collaboration. Be thoughtful and polite in responding to others. 

  • Assume good intentions: We are all here to support one another. In tone or disagreement please start by assuming good intentions.

  • No selling or advertising: This is a space for community and collaboration. We know additionally, we all offer wonderful services, but please no direct selling or advertising. If there is a free event or resource, you think the group can benefit from and it is on topic you are welcome to share. Otherwise, please no selling unless someone asks you to learn more offline.

  • Respect Privacy: We want our discussion to be a safe space to share. As such what is discussed in the group should stay in that room that day. Please do not share anything discussed by others outside of that group meeting without their expressed permission.  

If you have any ideas for additional guidelines that would support the community, we would love to hear them!

Meet our Organizers

  • Chelsea Seid is an ICF PCC coach focused on helping people turn ideas into actions. Chelsea has 15 years of management, leadership, and talent development experience. She also co-founded and ran a venture-backed scalable coaching startup for five years. In addition to coaching Chelsea trains in management and leadership tools, consults in behavioral competencies, and mentors startup founders and coaches.

  • Mariah Manuel-Berry, CEO and Founder of "Knowledge Career Experts LLC," offers specialized career guidance and transformative development for professionals worldwide. With over a decade of expertise in Learning and Development across diverse industries, she’s also an Organizational Development Consultant at Service Express. Mariah brings remarkable transformations to organizations that foster inclusive environments. Committed to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion, she ensures a supportive career journey for all. For more information schedule a consultation.

Contact us.

Do you have questions or would you like to connect with one of our organizers before signing up?